Copenhagen Legal Aid

Legal aid works as a lawyer-office, there just is free

Copenhagen legal Aid provides free assistance to any citizen, regardless of nationality, even if you don't live in Copenhagen or in Denmark

The extent of our help is, however, dependent on household income.

We can help you with most legal issues, and adviser in nearly all jurisdictions, with some few exceptions.

otherwise you will be sent home again

You are assigned a permanent advisor, and in most cases, we assist you till the case is completed.

A large group of The employees in the summer of has been on a study tour to Club La Santa, Lanzarote with a bl.

teaching in the new law on matrimonial financial matters, discussion paper on effective casework in the legal Aid, moot of a fictitious trial in the law of obligations as well as retshjælpsdysten, which was competed in rådgivningsdisciplinen relating to the person-damages and leasehold. The trip is financed by the participants themselves and a grant from the Bring your health card and all the relevant papers, so that we can advise you already in the first meeting. also your NemID. We often need, that you can open access to your data with NemID. This applies without exception, and even if it is a brand new case. On the way you talk always with the same advisors, and we ensure that the advice is to be as efficient as possible.

Prepare yourself for the wait.

All advised the same evening, and we'd like to help everyone as best we can - but we never know how many are coming. Please be aware that there are extra-busy early in the evening, if you call us. We serve only the clients who have met up in person - then we will call the other clients up. Therefore, it may well be late. Note that even in the telephone time it can sometimes be difficult to get through. It is not because we don't really want to talk with you, but because our reception will both answer the phones and serve the many clients who choose to apply in person. The premises are located on.

Wheelchair users and severely disabled can get help to use the elevator.

You have to have an assistant with you, as The staff usually can not leave the premises.

That must be obtained in the counter at. floor to get access to the elevator.