How to make a fence STRÅTLIGT legally - With your hands - How to do yourself

The average citizen is poorly knowledgeable in the law

By building a fence around its site, it is important to carry out the work in a manner that will not endanger neighbors interests and at the same time not infringe on their rightsIn order to avoid future unpleasant situations you must know the basic rules for the installation and construction of the fence.

This document regulates the not, however, many design codes, as provided in the SNiP 'Planning and development of territories'.

In the foregoing, to the maximum height of the fence between the adjoining parts is, five m fences must be transparent - reticulated or grid in order not to obscure the neighbor area (solid fence is only possible to build in accordance with the relevant authorities). Døvhegn can only be installed on the sides, no borders to other places. Residential building shall be distributed not less than three metres from the fence of the farm buildings with animals - four metres from the border area, a garage and the usual farm buildings - a mile from the border. Tall trees should be planted at a distance of not less than four moot of the area's border, medium height - by two metres, the bushes - at a m. A døvhegn can be built, when a road passes between adjacent sections. In this case, there is the opportunity to create a deaf fence, the most important thing is that the distance is not less than a mile to the next fence. Further problems can arise with hjørnehuse - for the construction of the fence is it necessary to get permission from the architectural regulatory authorities. Official documents indicate that the distance between the two houses, or other buildings on the site should be: for concrete or masonry at least six metres, concrete, or stone with wooden beams-b at least eight metres, to the wood - at least fifteen metres, a concrete or stone and a second tree - at least ten metres.

Landundersøgelsen of each site to be paid for separately

Therefore, companies geodetiske support services during the construction and the construction of the fence.

Specialists performing a full range of work: measurement, calculation, link to the terrain on the plan, that trades with all standards. Engineering and geodetiske the examinations carried out by them, provides the opportunity to develop a complete set of documents, including: a master plan, a structure of structural components, an executive drawing, a aksonometrisk plan for underground and above-ground communication, a engineering plan and other documentation. The set of documentation required for a permit to build a fence can depend on regional conditions, but usually contain the following set: This set of documents is submitted to the state architectural and construction supervisory authority. In the event of a satisfactory solution, after having undergone the owner of the site, shall be issued a certification letter for the construction of the fence. Then it must and projektdokumentationen recorded in the municipality on the construction site. Before the fence from designing recommend to contact the supervisory authority in the field of construction and architecture, which manages the area in which your site is: Is it possible, in addition to the general laws, certain provisions that restrict certain characteristics of the fence. It is not superfluous to announce the charter of the dacha, where the requirements for hegnets height and fremstillingsmaterialerne usually prescribed. In order to avoid further conflicts, it is necessary to clearly draw the boundaries between the sites. The easiest way to this - execution of surveying on the basis of instructions from the measurement of soil Roskomzoma April eight year and the methodology recommendations for the surveying of land tenure objects Roszemkadastr February seventeen year. It is performed on the basis of documents confirming the right to own the site. All activities shall be carried out after the notification of owners of adjacent sites. If one of them not be registered or refused to agree on the borders, appointed a new investigation.

If a neighbor wants to take a ventetidstilstand without giving a reasoned justification for the refusal, will the borders be regarded as established.

The results of the survey be documented by specific documents - an act for the establishment of the boundaries of the land. It is signed by the owners of the adjacent places and certified by the inspector for the local branch of the Rozheneavstvo. Other documents prepared by officials are located in the jordforvaltningsvirksomheden, which is stored in the Rosnedvizhimost. The fence creates an illusion of security, a sense of personal space, helps to mark territorial boundaries, serving as a barrier for the animals that go along the dacha streets, hiding the dust from the road. Often a fence or other fence a protection against unwanted visitors, an assistant in fire safety. The installation of the fences causing many conflicts between neighbors before making a final decision by the construction, should many of the recommendations to be investigated. Knowledge of the recommendations for the design helps to get harmony at your favorite spot. For the construction of a border between the garden and haveområderne recommended the standards approved by the State Byggekomité. Specific requirements for grænsehegnets account of land located in the private sector in a city or a village does not exist. Architectural department set the parameters of the fence, in accordance with the applicable rules in this location, is prepared before the construction scheme of planning organization of land (SPOZU) in order to obtain permission for the construction. According to the border and kadastrale plans is the fence made along the perimeter of the site, on the border of the neighbourhood. Hegnets height is set so that it does not violate the justified interests of the owners of the surrounding places, because the fence and the design of the fence will influence not only the life of the plant, but also the quality of life of people. Too high a barrier can create a shadow on a neighbouring plot and in the house, lead to moisture and other adverse effects. An external fence to find when driving is a business card on the site, its materials and style highlights hovedbygningets architecture, showing a friendly attitude to the world, or unwillingness to communicate with it. From the side of the roadway is not forbidden to construct the fence of any height, but the maximum recommended height - up to, two m, which can ensure the normal lighting of streets, driveways and sidewalks. For sites for IZhS and LPH (urban and rural) specifies the height of the external fence in accordance with the territorial byggekoder. From the side of the street, in the yard, near the roadway, it is permissible to lay a solid (blind) fencing of secure construction materials. If the noise and exhaust fumes from the road or the highway interferes with, request permission for the installation of a high fence (more than two metres) to the architect. By the allocation of a site observed the rule, that its limits can not go beyond the red lines of streets and driveways. If the site is in a private sector, is the fence that faces the street, aligned with the neighbors fence. Gate and fence gates to open inside the yard, if the distance from the fence line to the crossing (pavement) on the street is less than or equal to, five m Residential recommended build differ five metres from the red line the streets and three metres. from the red line passenger In order to determine the hegnets parameters helps the text in the document: 'Individual haveområder (summer) areas need to be fenced. Fence with a view on the minimal shade of naboområdernes area should be masked or latteret with a height of, five m. It is by the decision of the general assembly of the members of the nursery (summer) the association is permitted to arrange døvhyller from the streets and driveways. Children in the private sector can agree on grænsevagtenes height and transparency. If hegnens future height exceeds the SNiP's recommendations, but the owners of the nearby place does not have any objection to enter into a written agreement, a mutual agreement. In dispute is this document proof of the building's legality. True enough saves it not, if the neighbors are selling their land, and the new owners are protesting against the previous agreements. The height of the fence between the adjoining parts of the law differs by region, sometimes the allowable height, two m translucent enclosure, its fixed part reach cm. In the snip private sector prohibits the setting of the fence between the neighbors with a dull coating (without spaces). Translucent design barriers have a clarity of at least fifty, otherwise, a fence can hide the adjacent part dwarfing the havebrugsafgrøder and dwell therein. The distances between the hegnposterne depends on hegnematerialerne. For the transparent application of the border fence mesh, netting, metal welded or cut lattice fence, wood fence, fences, panels of polycarbonate or hedge. To fixed (deaf) fence is used wood, sheet metal, corrugated cardboard, brick, concrete, matching materials with the building site and the architecture.

In the calculation of the distances between the hegnstolpene take into account the configuration of the site, vindbelastningen and the terrain. Material columns, the type of foundation In the most popular fence of wire mesh or corrugated sheet is the distance between the nabostole - metres.

There are restrictions that prohibits the installation of the surrounding structure on the spot, at places where gas, electricity, water supply, sewerage and so on passes.

The architectural department shall not issue an official permission for the construction of a fence, if there are such objects on the ground access to them should be opened.

Fences in the private sector should not be close to the border to the neighbor's farm. SNiP requires the location of the fence with holes that are closer than half a meter from the border. By the construction of a blindkonstruktion must the distance be a mile. Hegnets height and material can not comply with the established standards, if a displacement from the border was made to increase the fence on the fence and to prevent shading of the neighbourhood.