Immigration policy

The possibility to apply for asylum in Denmark be stopped

We should not have migrants travelling across the Mediterranean and across borders in EuropeIt is a traffic that only benefit the smugglers and put european countries under pressure. The help must be provided in the regions of origin and asylbehandling must only be carried out in cooperation with the united nations. The migrants, who arrived to Denmark during the great immigration in the fall of must be sent back to their home countries or to camps in regions of origin when their temporary residence permit expires.

The right to public benefits must be linked to the Danish citizenship.

Foreigners, while living and working in Denmark take out a compulsory insurance which covers against unemployment and pension. The foreigners living in Denmark, when the New borgerliges policy will be adopted as law, will have two years to either create a work or find work. If they then don't have anything of their income basis in Denmark, they must go home or somewhere else. dollars a year on the integration of foreigners. It must be stopped To integrate themselves in society is the personal responsibility of the individual who comes here. It is not a public task Foreigners in Denmark should be welcome on the labour market, in activities and to participate in civil society.

They pose a risk to the safety of the Danish people

Denmark must be an attractive country for foreigners to come to work.

We must not make the immigrants to the clients in the welfare state.

It is only the people who actively show that they appreciate the values on which Danish society is based, to be awarded citizenship.

One needs to assimilate in the Danish society in order to be a part of the Danish national community.

Citizenship should not be granted for immigrants and descendants from countries, which are based on islamic culture and at the same time are over-represented in the kriminalitetsstatistikkerne.

All criminal aliens must be exercised consistently after the first judgment. If they do not go out immediately or after detention, they must be taken into custody until their departure can be arranged.

Criminal aliens should not be allowed to move freely in society.

Migrants who have been granted citizenship by law, lose indfødsretten and be expelled if they commit a serious crime. The conventions or the provisions of the international agreements, which stands in the way to lead a fair immigration policy, must either be terminated or undsiges by giving Danish law takes priority over the convention. The conventions are made in a different time with a different purpose. They are not scripture and must be adapted to the challenges we are faced with today. It is not in Denmark's interest to maintain the obsolete conventions.