Lawyer, the free encyclopedia

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(Read here about the sitenotice) Attorney or lawyer (in older times also called the city) is a lawyer, who, on the basis of a special appointment provides legal consulting services and has the exclusive right to conduct legal proceedings for othersTax, specified used in the s, in the context of the depreciation of the Danish Law. Berlin derived from the latin fiscus. French: Fisc (fiscus) has the meaning Trésor de l'etat, treasury. The Danish Tax was, according to. Berlin an official holding the state treasury's revenue-raising interesserdette later came to include 'to pursue crimes against state laws', which Berlin relate to the usual strafudsoning in the form of fines. Specifically related Fiskalens work to embedsforsømmelser. century is known in the sense of more subordinate Tax-bestallinger: 'General, War, Police, Lake, Under, Vejfiskal', while Berlin also mentions the Country - and Province-fiskaler. These offices were in the By the Swedish bar association, under the auspices, but was only a short time in use. Today used the word as an adjective, to describe conditions that relate to the state's finances. Prokurør French: merlin, set out in moth's Dictionary from about the year. Counsel for the king or the authorities - bishops, noblemen of the olympics. Tybjerg specifies the term as outdated. In the absolute monarchy time worked Generalprokurøren in the chancellery, but discontinued after the Take Algreen-Ussings office. The city in latin procurator, known from Ludvig Holberg's time dialectical Prikkerater, alternative meaning in the dialect, and among fishermen, a klæpål, ie.

an eel with a large head - and, conversely, a klæpål also mean the city.

The city was for a longer period - the s and s - used in parallel with a lawyer.

You can also participate in the year forårskonkurrence

After Sagførerloven of applied only on the lawyers who had received the royal title. A lawyer is in the Latin form (advocatus), an old name in the various royal Danish laws and regulations from the the middle ages for the royal ombudsman (government official) or overall authority for the greater parts of the country, later called the electric motor. Of advocatus occurred at of contraction, the nordic name of 'bailiff'. It quickly gained a different meaning and were used on the sub-trustees, which supervises the vassal for each of the counties used. They were later to herredsfogeder. Late received the designation of lawyer of its current importance. Especially used in Denmark, the term lawyer on the king's appointed counsel at the Supreme court. Jump and had to make deposits in enkekassen, but was not pensionable. Only they were eligible to plead cases for others at the Supreme court, but, in addition, they also go in court by the subordinate courts. According to the law of. may were no longer appointed lawyers by the Supreme court by the king, while the future lawyers of the country's top court are appointed by the minister of justice and leading name of højesteretssagførere. In, the term was a lawyer, abolished for the benefit of the lawyer. Those who had the title of lawyer, landsretssagfører or duties, however, could continue to use their title. After the absolute monarchy introduced special royal advokatembeder by the Swedish bar association lapsed, while kammeradvokatens only be filled by appointment. Advocatus regius was by decree of the. march employed for 'the west Ejlande' with the duty to perform all matters of concern to the king's kasses best interests or the royalty interests.

This office was like kammeradvokatens only occupied by the constitution in the colony last year.

In Denmark, it requires a law degree to become a lawyer and at least three years work with practical legal company (usually as solicitor) and an appointment of the minister of justice to plead cases in the courts. The conditions for the to become a lawyer are set out in the code of civil procedure. It is a prerequisite for obtaining a licence to practice law, to the candidate has reviewed the theoretical advokatuddannelse (offered by the bar Association) and both have passed the theoretical bar exam and a test in retssagsførelse. Advokattitlen is a protected title, and persons who have not been called to the bar as a lawyer, may not describe themselves as such or with a similar designation that may be confused with a lawyer. The code specifies the penalties for violation of this. June on the amendment of the administration of justice (Revision of the rules on professional activities of a lawyer), the Danish Parliament adopted bl.

to ease the møderetsmonopol.

There was opened up to other legal representative than the lawyers could meet in cases covered by the simplified inkassoproces (chapter forty-four on order for payment), småsagsprocessen and under general udlægsforretninger court. The relaxation of the mødemonopolet entered into force on. In Norway it is called also the lawyers who have the right to plead cases for the Supreme court, lawyers or the supreme court bar association.

In the rest of Europe used the lawyer commonly to refer to the lawyers, who performs at public and oral hovedforhandling in civil and criminal cases.

In Scotland, where, incidentally, as well as all the barrister at lawyers without difference leads name of advocate (on the contrary, not kontorsagførere, called 'solicitors'), is a special the Lord Advocate, who is in charge of the whole of the scottish advokatur or sagførerstand. He she be to the ministry and change with this and is in fact a kind of secretary of state for Scotland's affairs. In England, Wales, northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland is called procerende counsel, not for lawyers, but the 'barristers' in that they are members of a 'bar' (bar association). In Denmark is being an attorney general, ie.

lawyers can (formally) perform all types of tasks within the profession.

Specialization is becoming more and more widespread in the legal profession, particularly in the larger law firms. Many law firms are thus divided into several subject areas, for example company law, and procedure (litigation), real estate, employment law, tax law, etc. The company's lawyers are then assigned to one or more of these disciplines to achieve a degree of specialization. The extent and complexity is one of the reasons why many companies are looking for specialization rather than to operate with generalists. Lawyers can obtain the right to appear before different courts in Denmark. A nybeskikket lawyer only has a right of audience before the courts of first instance, which is the first instance in the Danish legal system. Then, they can obtain a right of audience before the courts. It may be of importance in cases which are appealed from the district court to the high court. The lawyer must, in order to get permission, to a sample in the court of appeal (landsretsprøven) to demonstrate that he she is a good litigator. The lawyer should, as a rule, consist of two test cases in order to obtain right of audience before the high court. Lawyers, who obtain right to appear before high courts, can write a (L) after their name. Finally, a lawyer can obtain a right of audience before the Supreme court, after which he she can write a (H) after his name.

Admitted to the bar of the Supreme court are associated with a certain prestige.

For (H) he shall she within five years, meet at least ten times in the court of appeal. Lawyers who had obtained right of audience before the high court, was in the past called for landsretssagførere, while a lawyer who was admitted to the bar of the supreme court, called duties. These titles are left in the day, which all lawyers have the same title.