New case of measles in Denmark - TV

A young man from northern Sealand according to a press release from Statens Serum Institut have been infected with measles The man, however, has not been in France, before the disease broke out He has been on a ski resort in the south of sweden, while he was sick and after returning home stayed in the waiting rooms of several hospitals in the Capital Region

The state Serum Institute will now investigate whether there may be a correlation between the three identified cases of the infectious disease.

This suggests that there is a kind of infection in Denmark, says Peter Henrik Andersen, afdelingslæge at the Statens Serum Institut. The Danish agency for Patient safety have contacted all the relevant places in order to ensure that persons who have been exposed to infection, and not immune against measles will be contacted and will receive appropriate treatment. If in doubt about whether one is vaccinated against measles, you must check whether you have got The MMR vaccine.