Pernille Vermund: We will win Denmark back to the danes - Extra Magazine

Who protects the Denmark as an independent country

In the course of the spring strikes the EUROPEAN court of justice to again. They expect that a Danish law enacted in the Parliament again will be overruledThis time it's the Danish rules for family reunification, which the european UNION and the court will not accept. Even on such a fundamental area as to determine, who is allowed to settle in our country and enjoy the benefits of our welfare, politicians have relinquished power and handed over to the EU. The consequence of the anticipated judgment may be that the turks in the thousands, which otherwise had been denied family reunification, must have taken their cases up again. And according to a reply from the ministry of integration to the Parliament, so fear the ministry's lawyers, that the EU ruling also has implications for decisions on family reunification of many other nationalities than the turks.

A country with democracy, where we the danes to decide

Although Denmark has a reservation for the immigration policy in the EU, then the EU court of justice just a second section, and judge of Denmark to right into after Brussels and Strasbourg. What makes the politicians at Christiansborg. Nothing They let it happen. New Civic will win Denmark back to the danes. Not only will we see open-mouthed, while the politicians dismantle our society and the EU seems empty our democracy for the content. The politicians put the interests of the EU and international agreements over the interests of Danish freedom and security.

Exactly as they did when they in, sat on their hands and let the migrants in the tens of thousands pouring in over our borders.

While the politicians are awaiting the verdict, the european UNION is negotiating about the new rules, which can give the EU citizens the right to unemployment benefits in Denmark after just one single day. Earlier, it was børnechecken, as the EUROPEAN court of justice would not recognise that you, as a foreigner would earn through that contribute to the Danish society, before you could be paid to his children abroad. And how are we regularly reminded that ’nothing over and nothing beside of Parliament’ has long since been replaced with Brussels and Strasbourg. It is a mystery to me that the politicians at Christiansborg find themselves in, to the people's Constitution, which gave the danes the right to make laws in their own country, no longer applies. Time and time again gets a majority in Parliament overruled by a court, which is not put into the world to protect citizens from harm, but to ensure a european development towards ’ever closer union’. We welcome you to participate in the debate on Ekstra public Opinion. A few simple rules must be observed.