real estate - Gyldendal - Den Store Danske

The legislation does not use ejendomsbegrebet a unique way

real estate, in the ordinary legal parlance, a delimited area, a plot of land, with any thereon, being buildingsTinglysningslovens ejendomsbegreb is, for example wider than Udstykningslovens, since the bl. To the real estate to a certain extent, also relevant accessories and fruits, see mortgage (pantets accessories and pantets fruits). The available, as a property allows an owner of a real estate property is not unlimited. Limitations may result from the agreement or by unilateral declarations, e.g. Traditional principles of law as naboretten also contains limitations. The characteristic of a modern society is, however, that an owner's available is limited by a large number of statutory rules, if tillempning especially taken care of by the government. This regulation, for example for agricultural operating conditions, goes far back in time, in -t. been still more intense.

also includes buildings on leased grounds and the condos

The objectives pursued by the public regulation of real estate, is often linked to a specific use of the property. The regulation of agriculture, which makes up more than two-three of Denmark's land, in -t. in particular, had as a goal to maintain freehold and family-run farms and to ensure the safe agricultural use of the land. Both of these goals are under pressure due to the. the economic development, but is not yet abandoned. Regulation of urban development has especially been intended to prevent the scattered settlement in the rural land regulation of real estate in the cities have had as a goal to prevent nabogener, to organise the traffic and to address the service, as a city's diverse functions require the other purpose is to save resources, e.g. gravel and groundwater, and to regulate the competitive use of such groundwater for irrigation and for drinking water. At the ago of such special objectives of providing the public regulation of general cross-cutting objectives. One of them is old and of course: the prevention of danger. A characteristic example is a provision in the building act, which says that a municipality may require the shut-off and broaching, if a building constitutes a hazard to its occupants or others.

Environmental protection, including control of pollution and conservation, has been growing in importance.

In any use of real property it seeks to limit the pollution of air, water, soil and subsoil, the use may give rise to. Also noise is sought as far as possible limited. Bevaringsbestræbelserne terms of both nature, wildlife, buildings and archaeological sites. Two funds have had a particular importance for public regulation: By changed use of real property is made to a large extent, the requirements for prior authorisation from a managing authority, which shall ensure observance of the general rules and make further concrete requirements for the future use. In addition, a hierarchy of plans, with buildings and a lot of other use of real property occurs within established frameworks: regionalplaner for counties, kommuneplaner for primærkommuner and local plans for the specific construction.