Support for children, young people and families - city of Copenhagen

the project with social workers in day-care centres

All primary schools in Copenhagen have associated a social worker, as you can always turn to if you want help or adviceSkolesocialrådgiverne help and advice to children and families, and helps teachers to deal with children with social and psychological problems. ex. be compared to the very absence that a student does not thrive or has many conflicts in the class, by crisis or major change in family or social difficulties. Skolesocialrådgiverne cooperate with the school management, teachers, parents and pupils and help to point to solutions that can create positive changes. Skolesocialrådgiverne also offers advisory talk therapy with the parents as well as pupils, and can support collaboration between Børnefamilieenhed, the school and the parents. Social services currently have a project where selected day-care centres with a social worker. Are you a parent, educator or friend to a young person showing signs of being radicalised, we are in the city of Copenhagen is ready to help. our antiradikaliseringsindsats Here you go with your problems and questions big and small.

Our two counselors are trained to give advice and guidance, for example, about school and education, family problems, alcohol, cannabis, loneliness, bullying and crime.

We detect you are not any places, and you can decide for yourself whether you want to give your name. The social services have in addition to the general offers, a number of deals that target specific issues.

Call us at thirty-three seventeen twenty-nine

Borgercenter Children and Young people have myndighedsansvaret for municipal measures for children and young people who need particular support. If you have questions or perhaps are in doubt about where to go, please feel free to contact one of Borgercenter Children and Young people in the local units.

See an overview of the local units in the Borgercenter Children and Young people.

Borgercenter Children and Young people. If you haven't found an offer that suits you, you can visit Børneportalen. The portal is Børnerådets overview of the free counselling services offered for children, children's rights, m.