The Bank and the mortgage credit balances

The majority of the series begins by July

Administrative information about the statistikproduktet Indhold Tid Reliability and usikkerhed Sammenlignelighed Tilgængelighed Additional documentation the Objective of the statistics is to shed light on the evolution of the monetary financial institutions (MFI) assets and liabilities with special focus on out - and depositsThe national bank shall publish the individual data series from onwards. Data from before July is based on the calculated historical figures. From publish the national Bank data, based on The European Central bank regulation (EC) no. concerning the consolidated balance sheet of the MFI sector (ECB). From January are published data on the basis of The European Central bank regulation (EC) no.

twenty-five on the consolidated balance sheet of the Monetary Financial Institutions sector (recast) (ECB).

Furthermore, requirements from other international organisations, as well as a number of national requirements incorporated. In addition, the majority of the additional data requirements of The European Central bank regulation (EU) no. september on the consolidated balance sheet of the Monetary Financial Institutions sector (recast) (ECB) contained in the data from January onwards.

The statistics used for the analysis of loan growth, loan types, market shares, business cycles, financial stability, etc.

The users are banks and mortgage institutions, The national bank, ministries, interest groups, the ECB, the IMF, the OECD, the BIS, etc. Collected the balance and flow statistics from the MFIS in Denmark - ie. banks and mortgage institutions, other credit institutions, money market funds and Danmarks Nationalbank. Indberetningspopulationen include the Danish MFI's principal place of business in Denmark and the local branches of foreign MFIS. Indberetningspopulationen are divided into two groups: 'fully reporting institutions' and 'tail'. of the total balance sheet total of the MFI sector, are fully reporting.

The largest MFIS, representing at least per cent

The rest is tail and report only a reduced balance sheet statistics.

Enumeration is carried out, so the MFI-statistics covering the whole indberetningspopulationen. The national bank collects information in accordance with Nationalbanklovens § a inserted by act no. June, according to the Bank to collect, process and publish statistical information within its competence. The collected information can be used for anything other than statistikudarbejdelse. This is particularly true in connection with the monitoring of financial stability and the organisation of money and of monetary policy, as well as in relation to Danmarks nationalbank's participation in the european cooperation in the financial area.

The biggest respondentbyrde lies with the population of fully-reporting institutions, as the p.

t. forty largest MFIS. The reporting burden of the 'tail' is considerably less. The starting point for the collection of statistics by the ECB regulation no. twenty-five on the consolidated balance sheet of the Monetary Financial Institutions sector (recast) (ECB). Indholdsbeskrivelse Statistics show an inventory of the MFI sector's assets and liabilities and a statement of the monthly movements in balance sheet items. Data are collected from all MFIS, ie.

banks, mortgage institutions, other credit institutions, money market funds and The central Bank of denmark, including foreign-owned MFIS and MFIS'branches and subsidiary banks abroad.

Generally, the published data are not seasonally adjusted, however, found that seasonally adjusted data for the following series: Money supply, indicated as M and M Loans to households and to non-financial corporations as well as the Currency in circulation. The valuation of balance sheet items excl. and lending is done at market value. Where a market value is not objectively determined, a best estimate of a market value. Deposits and loans are calculated in the balance sheet at nominal value however included indexed loans with the indexed nominal value. Bond loans (mortgage loans) is calculated also for the market value and are included in the balance sheet at this value. All items are carried in the balance sheet as bruttostørrelser. Loans are calculated incl.

the balance sheet date.

Items in foreign currencies are reported converted to Danish kroner. Balance sheet items are translated at the closing price on the the inventory, while operations are translated at the exchange rate on the trade date. As the closing price is used the same exchange rate as in accounting. Details of movements in the realkreditinstitutternes domestic mortgage lending (bruttonyudlån, early redemptions and annual installments) is based on a self-inventory of realkreditinstitutternes udlånsstrømme. Bruttonyudlån is calculated as the market value at the time it was concluded, and early redemptions at the redemption price on the indfrielsestidspunktet. The annual repayments are calculated at nominal value. For cash advances are determined the ordinary installment as kontantlånsafdraget. Sektorfordelinger be carried out in accordance with the sectoral classification in the regulation on The European system of Accounts (ENS). For accounts payable with Danish residents made sector - and branchefordelingen on the basis of Denmark's statistical business Register (the business register based on The Central Business register, CVR) and the information registered here on the corporate sector and sektortilhørsforhold. Personally owned enterprises are included as a separate sub-sector, under households.

The country indicates where the counterpart is located.

Natural persons are resident in the country where they have permanent residence, and legal entities in the country where the permanent establishment.

Persons and companies resident in Greenland and on the Faroe islands is not considered to be Danish resident. By løbetidsfordeling of the balance sheet items used as a starting point the initial term of the criterion. Several series indicate in addition to the residual maturity and time to next rate fixation. The financial flows over the month, corresponds to the development in the relevant balance sheet item - ie. the bsi end-of-month minus the bsi the beginning of the month and is given by the sum of net transactions and revaluations, etc. Net transactions correspond to the net asset value of the month's transactions. Value adjustments, etc. covers all the changes in the bsi, there is not due to the transactions, including changes in the balance sheet as a result of børskursreguleringer, foreign exchange adjustments, reclassifications, etc. Value adjustments also include losses on the loans.

where It is the value of the index in month t, Tt is net transactions in period t, while Bt- is the closing balance sheets in period t.

where that is årsvækstraten in month t, and It is the value of the index of notional stocks in month t.

Årsvæksraten thus, the growth of the given balance sheet item on the basis of net transactions, but without the influence of value adjustments.

The consolidated balance sheet of the MFI sector corresponds to the sum of MFIS'balance sheets, which balances between the MFIS in Denmark is omitted. The consolidated balance sheet of the MFI sector thus shows the Danish MFI sector balances, respectively, with the Danish non-MFIS and abroad.

Indlånsoverskud shows the banks deposits, minus lending where counterparties are non-MFIS.

Danish banks foreign branches included in the indlånsoverskuddet. Resident branches of foreign banks are not included. Moreover, the calculated indlånsoverskuddet also repokorrigeret, where repoind - and -loans are not part of the indlånsoverskuddet. By seasonal adjustment cleaned data for systematic fluctuations over the year. It is carried out by applying X ARIMA.

The seasonally adjusted series is revised every year in august.

A more detailed description is found in the article Seasonally adjusted financial statistics, Danmarks Nationalbank, the nationalbank's monetary review. quarter of, and the technical details are described in the Statistics are based on information that is collected from all MFIS, of which approx. forty belong to the full reporting population. Apart from data for december, after årsrevision in april lists the data for the smallest MFIS. This group accounts for approx. of the MFIS'total balance sheet.

The national bank takes even contact to any new entrants, MFIS after having received information from the Fsa.

Statistics reliability is dependent on reliability of individual institutions reports, and in particular the quality of the largest MFIS in reporting.

With a penetration rate of one hundred per cent.

in december, after årsrevision in april, and over per cent. in the other months assessed the overall reliability of the statistics to be good.

The national bank lays down the guidelines for how MFIS should make their reports, but there is a risk that MFIS perceive the guidelines differently and thus do not report in a uniform way.

Performed, however, a variety of quality checks of individual reports and cross-reports, which aims to minimize the error of the individual MFI, and the differences in interpretations between the MFIS. In connection with the control and publishing of data, there are several manual procedures, all of which provide the risk of errors. Sammenlignelighed. Comparability over time Statistics level of detail is increased continuously. Updates of the statistics can be occur certain opgørelsesmæssige changes, which, however, is sought handled by publishing the backdata on the basis of the new definitions. The fsa publishes an annual money - and realkreditinstitutternes balances at institutniveau and total. The statistics shall be reviewed normally two reference periods back when the present month is published, see also, the National policy for financial statistics with the associated audit cycle. Choose for yourself what news you will receive from our news services, such as new publications, key figures, and job postings.