The recovery of foreign contribution - civil service reform

If you have a decision on the child or spousal maintenance from a country which has acceded to any of the same conventions on the contribution by Denmark, the contribution may be levied and recovered in Denmark. If the decision on the contribution is made in one of the nordic countries (Finland, Sweden, Norway or Iceland), you can contact directly to TAX International recovery, which can charge the contributionIf the decision on the contribution is made in any of the other EU-countries (with the exception of the Uk), and the case is started after the. June, you must apply to the Ankestyrelsen All other matters relating to the collection and recovery of foreign bidragsafgørelser starts in the state Administration. If you have a foreign decision on child or spousal maintenance from a country which is not party to the same conventions on the contribution by Denmark, the contribution may not be levied and recovered in Denmark. Instead, you can search the state Administration on the establishment of a Danish contribution.