This is how we get your bill - health Insurance 'danmark'

Bills are obsolete after three years

As a member of the Group, Group a, and Group, you can get a grant from the 'denmark'In the vast majority of cases - in fact, more than percent - report clinician bill directly to 'denmark'. You should tell the clinician that you are a member of 'denmark', so ensure the to report the bill to us when you paid it. It will stand on the bill, if it becomes transferred to 'denmark'. If you are in doubt, you can ask your therapist if they report the bill to 'denmark'. For some services, it is a requirement that the bill be reported directly to us from the clinician.

It applies, among other things: In the statement of grant you can see if it is a prerequisite for grants, to the clinician to report the bill electronically to 'denmark'.

This means that the 'denmark' does not give grants for treatments and purchases which have taken place for more than three years ago.

You upload your bill under Messages, Write message

If the clinician does NOT report the bill to 'denmark', you must send the original bill pr.

On the bill, the information about your treatment will be specified and your social security number must be on it. kr.

or more on the bill, you will also need to upload a receipt that you have paid it. It can f ex.

be a bank statement from your bank. If you have received the invoice as a pdf file and can not upload it, print it out, enclose it and sign the following declaration: ”I confirm that I have received and paid the benefits provided for in this bill, and that I do not receive or will apply for full or partial reimbursement of the cost from the other side.