Home - debt Collection Denmark - All you need to know about debt collection

With this page, we tell you everything you need to know about debt collection in order to make the debt collection easy, whether you are the debtor or creditor and require a debt collection agency or a debt collection agencyWhen you initiate a købeforhold to a trader, company, shop or similar results, it is often in an invoice or bill that you have to pay - they say that there occurs a debtor and creditor relationship Some industries are paid often with the same, it can be in the physical shops, cafes or restaurants - this will not a debtor kreditorforhold and thus not a payment, since there be paid with the same. But a large number of industries are invoice with a date of payment to the later payment continues to widely used. Often the payment period of - days, but it is by far the company that even this determines the payment period. The payment period may, however, in some industries, be industry-specific, for example, be seen in the construction industry often invoices up to thirty days, at the big construction projects. The vast majority of invoices are paid in Denmark, but unfortunately are experiencing an increasing number of businesses unpaid invoices. It is believed that Danish companies, shops and business each year miss more than. dollars to bad debt, the debtors and the debtors. Often because the stores write off the amount Alternatively, to write off its claim for a bad debt, is debt collection. It can be carried out by the company itself, in the form of reminders. The vast majority of companies choose, however, to letting the debt collection be handled by a debt collection agency or a debt collection agency - which often makes it much cheaper and far more effective than virksomhedene can do yourself.

For many, it is the collection agency “anything that can't pay” and many often think that debt collection is expensive, cumbersome and not very effective.

However, this is fejlaftigt, several studies show that effective recovery of the unpaid charge and unpaid debts, can pay - regardless of whether the companies themselves handle it, or let a collection agency do. Debt collection is often inexpensive if you as a company have very many cases - often can you get with a percentage of the called up. It, however, smaller operators, the latest piece of time emerged a variety of services that also does debt collection for small businesses attractive and efficient. When companies experience that their bills and invoices not paid, and the payment deadline is exceeded, then there are several options you as a business can make use of to collect your money and debt from your customers - one of the most effective methods is debt collection, where others take over your claim and recover the amount for you.