Immigration to Denmark, after

But already before the end of the war was about

Denmark was until the s a reasonably homogenous society with no major ethnic divisionsHowever, the industry's manpower needs in the s and the movement of refugees in the following decades changed the country to a more multi-ethnic society. In this theme are gathered a selection of material from the history in the form of articles and sources, which in various ways deals with immigration to Denmark after. in world war ii. ten million germans ended up in other countries after the nazi defeat in the. in world war ii. They were on the run from the Russian troops, who moved forward towards the west, after Germany had suffered defeat at the front. It was now Denmark's task to support the refugees, ie. people, if the country had occupied Denmark. In total, amounted to the refugees - of the Danish population, and it was a big work to place them in the camps - in the barracks in Jutland and at schools across the country. Just after the end of the war pushed the Danish politicians to have sent the German refugees home, but the pga. The division of germany between the major powers and the large areas of Germany were given to Poland, was the return of a very difficult case. First, in, the last German refugees from Denmark. A somewhat smaller flow of refugees came to Denmark in the mid-s. When, in came to open rebellion against the communist regime in Hungary, moved the Soviet union into Hungary and beat the rebellion down. hungarians fled out of the country. Denmark decreased approx. Hungarian refugees, with families arriving on time was approx. At the entrance to the s, Denmark was still a very homogenous society.

It was the need for labour, however, soon change.

It industrialized Western europe had lacked manpower since the mid-s. Denmark solved the first problem by including the excess labour force from agriculture, which had become more and more mechanized. Later came the women to a large extent on the labour market. But there was still a need for labor. In arrived the first foreign workers or guest workers, as they were called, therefore, from countries such as Turkey, Pakistan and Yugoslavia, at the invitation of Danish employers. At the same time, in the first years of the s refugees from dictatorships such as Spain, Portugal and Greece as well as from countries in Latin america and Africa. Immigrants and refugees were discussed in the media and in workplaces. Not least since unemployment began to rise in the s. In november, the social partners and the government with the Social democrats in the lead to agree on an immediate stop to the immigration of guest workers. Refugees from the other side of the globe, however were still Denmark, for example, Chile and Vietnam, where respectively.

civilian germans come to Denmark

dictatorship and war caused people to flee. In, reduced the Parliament to a Udlændingelovudvalg (Fremmedudvalget in daily speech), whose work resulted in a new law on foreigners in. Only the progress party voted against. The law has since undergone a long series of austerity measures. The aliens act of was by some described as the world's most liberal law on foreigners: the Supporters featured, to Denmark with the law got the world's most humanitarian asylum, while critics pointed out that it was too easy to get into in the country. The most significant of the law was improved to the status of refugees of asylum seekers. The law thus contained also a legal claim to family reunion for foreigners, which was discussed a lot in the years after. Ago were tightened up in this area, the first time in and in, where VK-the government together with the Danish people's Party tightened the rules on family reunification. The liberal immigration resulted in heated discussions on immigration, and tamil refugees from Sri Lanka, in particular, came to the country in the period, was one of several discussion points. Head is the popular name for the conservative minister of justice, Erik Ninn-Hansen and his ministry's handling of tamil refugees in the years. Here put Ninn-Hansen and the ministry itself in addition to legislation and the Parliamentary majority, and ordered a stop to family reunions for the tamils. Continued political pressure and mediemæssigt focus led to more revelations, and it was decided, that the Supreme court should initiate an investigation.

Undersøgelsesrettens report pointed out in January, bl.

that Parliament had been misled, and that the prime minister Schlüter known to be stopped for the treatment of tamil family reunion. Head ended, therefore, with the conservative-led government had to go in January. Denmark's ratification of various international conventions paved the way for the return of refugees increasingly came to the country. With -the law in the hand could the refugees seek asylum.

It arrived particularly refugees from the Middle east due to the Iran-Iraq war and the conflict between Israel and Palestine.

A special offshoot of this conflict was that seventy udvisningstruede, stateless palestinians in moved into Blågårds Kirke, Copenhagen, where they were in days. It gave lots of discussions and led to the Danish Parliament in adopted a special law that gave the palestinians asylum.

In started a civil war in Somalia, and over a million fled from the country.

Some ended up in Denmark, and came to many more here with background in familiesammenføringsreglerne. seven hundred somalis in Denmark, and they represent the largest flygtningegruppe from Africa. In addition, kurds from Iraq after the war in - came the biggest influx in the s to Western europe from the former Yugoslavia. Approx refugees ended up in western european countries, while there was talk about the three million internally displaced. The vast majority of western european countries gave the refugees from Ex-Yugoslavia, temporary asylum. Thus, also in Denmark, where the Danish Parliament in adopted the so-called jugoslaverlov, who ensured that the ex-jugoslaver be able to stay in the country for a minimum of six months with the possibility of extension. The law was in followed by a new special law, the so-called bosnierlov, whereby the ex-jugoslaver be able to get a residence permit in Denmark. At the same time, with the s the inflow of migrants to Denmark there was a lively discussion. Municipalities of Hvidovre and refused to take more refugees, and the formation of ghettos - Ishøj, denmark, Gellerup, Vollsmose and Nørrebro - was the subject of criticism. In order to stem the growing criticism adopted by the SR government in, the legislation and the integration legislation with, among others, an introduction service, whereby refugees and migrants had lower social benefits than danes. This triggered criticism from the humanitarian organizations, and in the year, the social services again equivalent. The constraints, however, continued under the CONSERVATIVE government, which came to power in. With support from the Danish people's Party, was carried out a number of austerity measures on refugees and immigration. For the first time in, which, among other things were tightened up with regard to family reunions, including the introduction of the so-called -årsregel. The trend with austerity measures continuing the decade. AARHUS UNIVERSITETInstitut of Culture and SamfundAfdeling for History and Classic StudierJens Chr. Skous Vej Aarhus C.