NJORD Law Firm international and Danish legal advice

NJORD advises you on how you wise do to the new rules

If not the UK and the EU given its understanding a udtrædelsesaftale, or gets postponed the date of withdrawal, there will be a hard Brexit

The UK thus becomes a so-called third country in relation to the EU.

The postponement of the new ejendomsvurderinger provides a number of opportunities for you as a homeowner.

This course will equip you for the new ferielov and give you a review of the overall rules about holidays and special holidays. We review the new rules, the period of transition, and how you should prepare yourself for the new ferielov. You will also get useful tools for handling of the period of transition. floor, Copenhagen K. april, at. Law is under constant development. Therefore, we hold a brushupkursus in general employment law, where we review the latest legislation and case law in the area. The course is mainly about to dress in a HR responsible at ift. the most recent relevant changes that are need-to-know, and that may have significance for the company's employees and, not least, handling of HR. NJORD Law Firm, owners of number. sal, København K.

NJORD Law Firm, owners of number

on Tuesday. June, at to. the Minister of justice has the. February at L put forward a proposal for a law amending the code of civil procedure and the Tv overvågningsloven. the processing of the bill will take place on. Persondatalovgivningen regulates the handling of personal data from the time at which they occur - that is, where there is the establishment of a connection between an information and a person - and up to the time when the this connection is no longer present, which is usually the time when personal data will be deleted. But what deletion is, is not apparent from the legislation, and the deletion is not just deleting. The German competition authority, the Bundeskartellamt, has the. February in a case against Facebook, used GDPR in the context of the EU competition rules on abuse of a dominant position.