See the selling prices of homes in the whole of Denmark

It hangs together with, to the owners until august, only had to report information on the priority award to the TAXThe priority trading price will deviate from the cash price, if ejerskiftelån or other foreclosed loans in the deal. In order to make the sales comparable made TAX therefore a kontantomregning of the reported sales prices. The kontantomregnede prices are good enough for statistical purposes but they do not match on the crowns to the agreement, the cash price, if the loans in the deal. In recent years it has become more and more common to act at the cash price (uder ejerskiftelån).

In these cases, the kontantomregnede price and the cash price are usually equal to each other. The version of the browser Internet Explorer you are using is outdated It has known security flaws and disadvantages and a limited set of features. We therefore encourage you to upgrade to a newer modern browser You can upgrade your browser by clicking here.