Specialist and lawyer will help Riskær in the Danish Parliament - sn - Front - Denmark

So we are halfway there now, but is still a big work

Klaus Riskær Pedersen has found a further six he, as they with the president now stands at a total of nine heAmong the candidates is a medical specialist Søren Søfelt, the past five years has worked in specialist practice, where he has treated patients with chronic pain. Søren Søfelts priorities is in the area of health, while defense attorney Gert Dyrn must strengthen the party in the area of foreign policy. We put up with two spidskandidater in each constituency, I would like to give people something to choose from. So before we are fully represented, we must up of eighteen candidates, if you look away from the Bornholm constituency. The problem with finding candidates is not only people's independence and experience, which is very important for us. But we also have a peer review system (a system where people are evaluated by others with the same skills, ed.), where we have conversations and interviews, and where other candidates have to agree. The former financier announced in mid-February three candidates for the party in addition to themselves for the upcoming election by the name of Peter Hjort, Rolf David Gøtze and Christina Asklund. The former two are still contenders, but Christina Asklund was dismissed as a candidate by Klaus Riskær just two days after his announced candidacy. To the press justified Riskær firing with that Asklund 'would have problems to cope with mediepresset'. It is impossible for us to see how they (the candidates, ed.) performer in the public space. It is very important for me, that it is not columnists and celebs, but that it is the ordinary citizens that make up. But you have to be able to communicate in order to be a politician. And I believe that I have shown a significantly greater care with the here candidates in relation to to be able to deal with the public, says Klaus Riskær.

He will not refuse, that he again may need to loop a candidate from the party, but consider it to be very little likely.

Since there are now multiple candidates, you can 'move around on the rapporteurships' or other to change, where much attention in the media, a candidate will get, sounds. The new he is Søren Søfelt, Morten Pihl-Andersen, Martin Nordstjerne Rasmussen, Anette Prang, Gert Dyrn and Mogens Birkelund. The party now has candidates in storkredsene: north Zealand, Copenhagen Region, Copenhagen, Zealand, Funen and eastern Jutland. We want an open and lively debate on the sn, and invites all to comment, share knowledge and ask questions. The debate must be conducted in a proper and respectful tone. The editors will remove posts that do not live up to the SN's guidelines and applicable law. See the guidelines here.